View Profile JoeyPadilla

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Recent Movie Reviews

22 Movie Reviews

Happy Endings..hell yeah.

I splooged ;D
That was some good content, I never seen any story like this before.

Fucked up, but good.

A fucked up theme but overall it was great. Animation was good and the music fitted in well. Respect you as in artist but as a person idk.

Recent Game Reviews

4 Game Reviews

Poor Kid..

haha the dalm dude, this game is very smooth. I like the idea that you can create levels. Adding that kid on the back with his dad, wow funny s**t. Great work.

This game is like a sponge...sucks up your life.

I've been playing this game for f***ing hours now. This f***er has had my ass on this chair. I've always seen the icon for this game on the side, but I thought it was going to suck. But then I kept seeing it on the "Best Of All Time" category and I'm like wtf? So I had to try this s*** out. I started to play in Africa, and at first, I was, this s*** is racist and I began to laugh. I though I was going to get bored after the first 10 minutes, but I can't stop playing. This s*** is funny and worth the time I've been playing it. I looked what McD does, and just started to bust out laughing, he is s***ting out his burgers xD. Also MJ, wtf xD. He is f***ing s*** up by moonwalking his way around the map and taking out civilians. Oh my goodness dude. This game is Epic ad f***. One of the best internet games I played in my life. Kudos for keeping it retro, addicting, and funny as f***. All starts for ya.


I play this game like freaking everyday! I've always been a big fan since the first one, but this game just makes the first one look like for noobs. This is was the veterans of POM play >:] The only thing im having problems with is uploading my songs. IT doesn't let me. I'm thinking it's my internet but I'm not sure. Good job!

Recent Audio Reviews

1 Audio Review


I don't need an explanation.

Recent Art Reviews

1 Art Review

Nice Style

Very Roy Lichtenstein

Age 31, Male

The Art Institute

Joined on 6/30/10

Exp Points:
320 / 400
Exp Rank:
> 100,000
Vote Power:
4.64 votes
Global Rank:
> 100,000
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